
Reclaiming the Authentic Self


Episode: 2



Reclaiming the Authentic Self: Your Journey to True Fulfillment

Are you ready to embark on a journey to rediscover the real you? We all wear so many hats and juggle countless roles in our daily lives that it’s easy to lose sight of who we truly are. But guess what? It’s never too late to reconnect with your authentic self and live a life that feels true to you!

In this episode, I dive deep into this transformative process. Here’s a sneak peek into what we covered and why it’s such a game-changer.

Breaking Free from Societal Expectations
From the moment we’re born, society starts shaping us with its myriad expectations. Be this, do that, look like this – the list is endless. But what happens when these expectations overshadow our true desires and passions? We end up living a life that doesn’t feel like our own. This episode is all about breaking free from those constraints and giving yourself permission to be you.

Personal Stories and Expert Insights
I share heartfelt personal stories that many of us can relate to – moments of feeling lost and the powerful experiences that led to rediscovery. I also bring in expert insights to give you practical advice on how to start your own journey. It’s a blend of inspiration and actionable steps, making it easier for you to take that first step.

Practical Tips for Your Journey – Here are some of the practical tips we discussed to help you on your way:

Self-Reflection: Spend time alone to understand your true desires and passions. Journaling can be a powerful tool here.

Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to things that don’t align with your authentic self. It’s okay to prioritize your happiness.

Seek Support: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage your journey. Sometimes, having a cheerleader or a mentor can make all the difference.

Embrace the Real You
Reclaiming your authentic self is not an overnight process – it’s a journey. But every step you take towards it is a step towards a more fulfilling and genuine life. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Celebrate your small victories and be kind to yourself along the way.

So, what are you waiting for? Tune in to my latest episode and get inspired to start living the life that truly resonates with you. Let’s embrace our authentic selves and create lives filled with joy, purpose, and authenticity.

Stay true, stay you!

In this episode:

00:57 – Reclaiming the Authentic Self

03:33 – Understanding Shadow Work

06:14 – Finding Self Validation

07:31 – Healing Generational Trauma

11:01 – Closing

Meet the Host

Candace Van Dell

As a Spiritual Coach & New Thought Leader, Candace focuses on a soul-centered approach to healing. It is her belief that many of our negative “symptoms” are signs that we are out of alignment with our true selves. We have been conditioned to align with external authorities, societal ideals, out of date learning styles and perfectionistic standards.

We can’t experience or maintain true health unless we are true to ourselves. To clear unwanted symptoms, we must get back into alignment with what we FEEL.

“We are not humans having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

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