Workshops and Programs

LIVE Group Coaching with Candace


Inner Work – Level 1
Group Coaching

Next Group Starts Sept 1st!

Heal From Codependency and Narcissistic
Relationship Dynamics


Inner Work – Level 2
Group Coaching

Next Group Starts August 7th!

Heal From Abandonment Wounds & Trauma Bonds


Inner Work
Exclusive for Men

Group Coaching For
Highly Sensitive Men

On Demand Courses

Emotional Rehab On Demand

A 12-Week Online Course for Healing Inner Wounds & Relationships

This course includes guided meditations, inner child work and emotional freedom techniques. Each module will be released each week with video lessons, worksheets and writing assignments. By the end of the 12 weeks, you will have a whole new understanding of yourself and your relationships along with a new tool kit to use for life! Those patterns you can’t seem to break out of will no longer be your prison, but your gateway for transformation and emotional, physical, spiritual upgrades.

When we heal back to wholeness we stop attracting lessons and start aligning with grace and ease.


Shadow Work On Demand

Shadow Work is the part of your spiritual journey that will bring you into WHOLENESS by integrating the inner child, the emotional pain body and the parts of you that you have been separated from.

In this course, you will get a new lease on life. It will change your life, your relationship to self, others and world. You will be running on all cylinders with the headlights on and your path illuminated.

As you heal yourself, you will be called to serve the world. Your higher calling is waiting for you on the other side of your shadow work.

Emotional Rehab vs. Shadow Work – What’s the difference?
Watch Candace’s Special Message here.


– with Candace Van Dell –


Heal Abandonment Wounds, Self Doubt, Trauma Bonds Codependency and More…

This is the most embodied course I have ever made!


Join Truth Room

An exclusive support membership dedicated to Empowering Highly Sensitive People, Empaths & Lightworkers


Boundaries Bootcamp


Soul Lab

A 6-Week Online Training Program that teaches the 6 Steps of Alignment with your Higher Self.

Self Love Master Class

A Master Class to claim an unapologetic confidence and connection that only exists between YOU, YOURSELF & GOD.

Realign Your Energy • Clear Your Mind • Get Positive Vibes


Get a collection of 20 5-Minute Soul Snack Guided Meditations that are a quick way to realign your energy, clear your mind and put some positive vibes in your day.

Bottom line…. in just 5 minutes, you will FEEL better!


Experience Emotional Relief

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is one of the fastest ways to experience emotional relief.

In this EFT Bundle, you will receive 10 different EFT exercises to gain relief from some of the biggest triggers we face in our daily lives.

Enjoy and use them often!

$79.99  $49.99

The Truth Room Workshop

A 4-week one-on-one workshop (via Skype) that focuses on the knowing that Unconditional Love is your Truth.

We live in a conditional world and there are conditions put on 4 very important aspects of who we are.  When this occurs we lose touch with our authenticity, our True Self.

We create our own judgments and conditions on:

  1. The way we Look
  2. The way we Think
  3. The way we Feel
  4. The way we Speak

When we are not being loved or not loving ourselves for who we Authentically are we act in ways that do not reflect our True Self.  Therefore we cannot attract a sense of inner or outer well-being because our connection is compromised.

Together we work towards discovering and clearing misinterpretations and judgments in each of these separate areas.  By clearing the negative thought patterns and fears we naturally come back into alignment with our purpose.  By coming back into wholeness & harmony with who you TRULY are you reclaim your Total Health and Wellness. (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual)

True Self for your Health!!!  The Truth Room Workbook will be included along with other gifts along the way.

Sign Up below:
CLICK HERE if you are interested in learning more about The Truth Workshop.

Align Your Life Workshop

When our inner and outer worlds do not match, we cannot be in a state of well-being. When our thoughts and words are not in alignment with who we TRULY are we experience confusion, uncertainty, imbalance and even illness within our minds and bodies as well as our environment.

We feel stress in our lives because we are not seeing the TRUTH of our situation.

Candace is gifted in reading energy and aligning her clients with a deep inner awareness of their own Truth.

Sign Up below:

CLICK HERE if you need more information about this 30-minute Energy Assessment via Skype and Get Aligned!

Attracting Love Workshop

Did you know that ALL of our relationships are a direct reflection of our relationship with our TRUE SELVES?  Those parts of yourself that are running the show and you are not even aware of? That is the unconscious part of yourself that you have not yet integrated.  Your shadow as I like to call it was created when you were really young.  Society sets us up well to make it in the world but often times we learn to disconnect from our own inner guidance system when we feel there are things about us that are not accepted or loved for who we TRULY are.

The key to attracting TRUE LOVE is to love your TRUE SELF.  We search for the “IDEAL” mate because we have only learned to love the “IDEAL” parts of ourselves. We are conditional with ourselves and attract others who love us conditionally as well.  Once we get REALLY honest with ourselves and upgrade our belief system, we naturally reconnect with that inner wisdom that has been there all along.  We no longer need to attract partners who will highlight the parts of us that get revealed so that they can be healed.

Your first step to finding true love is to truly find your TRUE SELF.

Sign Up below:

CLICK HERE if you need more information about the Attracting Love Workshop.

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

This 3-day workshop (via Skype) is one hour each day for three days.

You will learn how to navigate the anatomy of your soul. Your emotions are the souls GPS and many of us are very confused by what our emotions mean or are trying to tell us about a big division, our career or even ourselves.

Join me on this exploration of your Soul’s true purpose!

Sign Up below:

CLICK HERE if you need more information about the Emotional Intelligence Workshop.

Eradicate Unwanted Patterns For the Last Time!

Do you ever notice how the SAME issues come up in every relationship?  Are you attracting the same type of guy even though he appeared different at the beginning?  The same arguments come up between you and family or friends? Do you have issues with money and it just will not change?  Do you seem to attract the same work environment over and over again and it is just NOT what you want?

Well, this is what I call an “unwanted pattern”!  These patterns are put in place a realllllly long time ago from misinterpretations we created at a really young age.  Most of these are unconscious and that is why we keep creating them over and over again.  We are seeing things in a way that keeps the pattern STUCK!

It is my greatest joy to use my gift of seeing beyond the “normal” perception into your energy field to help you see where these patterns began, why they have stuck around and HOW to eradicate them NOW!

If you would like to create instant CHANGE in your life and clear these patterns right away, join me for this super fun and interactive hour!

Sign Up below:

CLICK HERE if you need more information about the Eradicate Unwanted Patterns For the Last Time Workshop.

True Self Workshop

Join my TRUE SELF workshop (via Skype) right in the comfort of your own home! In this one hour workshop, we will explore the ways your life is not flowing and get you to the place of Harmony!

When we are in alignment with who we TRULY are, we are in balance with everything that is!

Sign Up below:

CLICK HERE if you need more information about the True Self Workshop.