In the Media
Candace was featured on Voyage LA in the Local Stories section here.
Candace was a guest on HAY HOUSE RADIO May 30, 2017 talking about empowering intuition and giving readings for live callers. Listen here www.hayhouseradio.com
An honorable mention from a beautiful client of mine!
Bec is literally an Aussie living in LA, with a background in journalism, modeling and acting, LA is the perfect landscape for Bec to express her creative ideas and get paid for it. Today WMS sits down with her to discuss the challenges of being an expat and why it is so important to be mindful of living our truth in life. Bec is proof that we can all follow our dream if we listen to our inner self. This interview is raw, truthful and a really inspiring read. Enjoy WMS xoxo
Wow, can you expand?
Another important person in my life is Candace Van Dell, a Spiritual Psychology Coach in LA, who has been an inspiration, a friend who gifted me with tools that make everyday a blessing. As a result of the changes I made all aspects of my work as a writer, model and actress improved and I have attracted honest relationships and opportunities.
The clarity I gained allows me to recognize emotional reactions in myself and others for what they really are, knowing that I am responsible for myself and cannot control the words and actions of others. There is room for criticism and creative ideas to have a positive impact, all pain is a gift for me to learn from.
My Interview with Australian Actress and dear friend Teresa Palmer for her beautiful website www.yourzenlife.com.
We talked about HOW TO eradicate painful patterns for the last time.
My interview for Transformation Nation with Alexi Panos!
Finding Your Indigo
We talked about the transformation of our world and the evolution of our children.
Article featured on Women for One.
Releasing PERFECTIONism!!!
I spoke about shedding perfectionism and coming into the Authentic Self.
I feel honored and happy to be a monthly contributor for Models for Wellness. As a model there is more visibility and a great opportunity to be a positive example.
Here are some articles featured on Models for Wellness:
How to Rewire Your Thoughts & Think Positively
4 Steps to Getting UN-Stuck
Emotional Harmony 101
How to Get – and Stay – Empowered