Hello beautiful souls!!

By now you know that my focus is on the Inner Work. I am very certain that this world functions below the veil of consciousness. I am very aware that our society and the systems in place make us doubt our very divine nature.

I wrote a book about this paradigm shift 11 years ago! To be the first to hear about the release of this book please join this list.

In the meantime, I will be talking more candidly about the truths I have discovered along my journey and the tools I live by to maintain this credible connection to my authentic self and the higher authority I live by (my heart).

For starters… I had a new client this week (let’s call her Sarah) who told me that she is upset with herself over having anxiety. “Candace, how do I get rid of my anxiety so that I can be my authentic self?”

“Sarah, you must be REAL about how you FEEL. The truth is that you are feeling anxiety. So instead of abandoning your anxiety or telling it that it is in the way, let’s just OWN the reality that you have anxiety, right?”

“Shit you are right, I didn’t see it that way.”

The authentic truth is that you have anxiety. You are doing your (I’m gonna guess) coping mechanism to get rid of the “imperfect” parts of you so you can be you? Well, the truth is that the perfect you is the opposite of the authentic you.

Your issue or BLOCK to your authentic self is nothing more that YOU and your resistance to just being YOU.

Check this out for yourself. What is in YOUR way from owning all of you? If I told Sarah to own that she has anxiety, what would that mean for her? That she is not perfect in her own eyes? What else does that say? She is testing her inner child the way she was treated as a child. So instead, she can shift into unconditional self-love right now and LOVE her anxiety because it is telling her she is scared. It is telling her that she is afraid to be constantly judged, rejected, and held separate from herself unless she feels good all the time… WOW!

Halfway through our session, Sarah was in complete shock that she had the power of choice. She could choose herself, all of herself in this moment. Embrace the guilt of going against her programming and become the AUTHORITY of her own unconditional love in this moment.

You can do this too! You can REHABILITATE your EMOTIONS today!

EMOTIONAL REHAB is open for enrollment NOW. Class starts December 1st. It is 12 weeks of LIVE calls with me, video lessons, exercises, tools, and techniques to TRANSFORM your world and yourself as you know yourself to be. You will walk away with too many aha moments to count and a new view of self and world not to mention PURPOSE. When you are being authentically you, there is nothing in resistance to your purpose on this planet.

This is the last time we are offering this course until April 2023

If you wish to share this healing with others and wish to make great $$$ in the process, please sign up to be an AFFILIATE here and get paid almost $200 per sale.

With deep gratitude,

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