I am so excited to be celebrating 10 years on YouTube and 10 years as a Spiritual teacher this month. It has been so fun looking back at all the video content that I have created and the entire body of work that has developed through my own healing and all of our work together. Each and every one of you is my inspiration.
It feels like such a cool milestone to just look back on and say, “WOW, I have been living and breathing the work for a decade… WOW.” I kind of pinch myself these days when I see that this work and these methods have become their own thing right now. Developed out of nothing but a desire to share what has worked for me. To share a deep desire to help others feel deeply seen and heard and understood. I grew up never feeling these things and I knew it was my mission to heal myself and others through providing a foundation of work based on nothing but the TRUTH.
As I have been sitting here just allowing this milestone to sink in, I was thinking about how damn proud my inner child and inner teen feel right now. I remember the child who was deeply misunderstood and the teen who had such a drive to figure it all out and help others with whatever I found. I feel I have done just that and I will continue to go deeper and reach wider.
I will also say that these last 10 years have been the best of my life. I have worked extremely hard but honestly, I have LOVED every minute of this work. It truly does not feel like “work”, it is my mission, my passion, my calling. As I do this work and heal others, I am healing myself. It is the most mutually enlightening and healthy relationship on earth haha.
I am so deeply moved by so many of your private messages. I am so incredibly grateful for all of you who have stuck with me and came along for this unreal ride. I am beyond excited to see where we go to next as we continue to expand, grow, and heal to heights never seen before.
If it weren’t for you, I would not get to do this soul-fulfilling work. I love you all. I am looking forward to serving you all at even more groundbreaking levels in the healing space as I go through it myself and take you with me. As I rise, so will you. We are all part of this collective consciousness and together we rise, together we heal, together we reveal new levels of life.
Please enjoy my latest videos below.
ALSO, to celebrate my 10 years… please enjoy 20% OFF EVERY SINGLE THING ON MY WEBSITE, including coaching packages, sessions, courses and more. This is a limited time offer so take advantage today.
Use Promo Code: 10YEARS