Hello beautiful tribe,

I know this subject sounds weird, right? But hear me out about this. I was talking with my therapist friend the other day about my divorce and how it has been final for almost two years now. I was talking about how proud of myself I am for taking my TIME to really heal and get grounded in my own self again. I feel very solid and secure and connected which is so nice to admit. I talked about how I can feel this new sense of FREEDOM that I used to be totally afraid of … believe it or not.

So we dug into this in a few different ways. She first told me that I am clearly talking about being SECURELY ATTACHED to self. YES, this is absolutely true, and what an amazing feeling. But I did not expect so many other aspects of me to shift along with this. I used to be afraid of my freedom and this is a fact. I used to like to attach myself to a partner who had a strong sense of direction so that he could override my opinion if it was WRONG. Yep, that is correct, wrong.

Now, what do I mean by this? The part of myself that awakened from the shadow during my divorce was that very strong-willed inner child who knows who she is, what she wants, and what to do about it. That part of me that God rejected when her will was different from her parents. This part of me that I gave re-birth to is very well connected to herself again. I got through REALLY HARD TIMES and I am thriving all on my own. When we watch ourselves in our capability, we trust that we are secure, strong, and able.

When we are not securely attached to self, because this very important part of our inner guidance is in the shadow, we rely on others to care for us, get us through things, and make DECISIONS for us. WHY? Because unless you are securely attached to self, your IDENTITY is still wavering based on opinions, doing things RIGHT, accomplishments, etc. When your identity is secured within, you are FREE to make mistakes, try again, do over, because none of the external shit defines your WORTH AT ALL.

THIS LEVEL OF FREEDOM IS SOMETHING AMAZING. Some days I sit here and just look at the sky in awe of how exciting it is to have an UNWAVERING SELF. That may sound crazy to some of you, but I want you to really look at this. Are you totally UNCONDITIONALLY YOU?

Sometimes we need things to be taken from us, the things we think we need to feel enough, or externally safe so that we can REALIZE WE ARE THESE THINGS ON OUR OWN.

If you still feel unsure, fear of making a mistake, getting it wrong, or making a decision, I highly suggest a little bit of GOLDEN SHADOW WORK. This is the part of shadow work that allows us to reclaim the self and our purpose along with this inner power that can never be taken.

SHADOW WORK is open for enrollment now. This one is going to be lit!!!! We start in March! We have weekly live calls on Facebook as an extra offering if you feel like joining or asking questions on the journey. This class will address your MOTHER WOUNDS, FATHER WOUNDS, TRIBAL WOUNDS, and anything holding you back from CLAIMING the AUTHENTIC YOU.

I hope you will join me here.

Also please check out the new videos on YouTube and the Patreon worksheets if you are a member.

I truly appreciate those of you who have been actively sharing my reels and spreading this work. Nothing makes me happier than watching people heal in front of my eyes.

I will be doing an INSTAGRAM LIVE this Friday 11am pst if you wish to join me and do a live coaching 😉

Love you all so much and have an amazing rest of your week!!!


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