How to Heal Socialization Wounds

How to Heal Socialization Wounds

  I receive a lot of emails each week and lately the topic of bullying and feeling left out in school rather than home has come up. In this video, I explain the pain and sometimes trauma that can come from the socialization process. I also offer my own experience...
How to Stop Dismissing Your Emotions

How to Stop Dismissing Your Emotions

  I often say that we live in an Emotional Dark Age! Our society has lacked the emotional intelligence skills that we so desperately need. In my perfect world, I would be teaching this stuff in school, but for now, it is on my YouTube channel and taught through...
The “Relationship” Wound

The “Relationship” Wound

    Do you ever find yourself in a relationship that was once blissful, but now you find it very triggering or stifling? As we start to do some inner work and find more authenticity in ourselves, our relationships can suffer (until we make the connection)....
Trading In the IDEAL SELF for the REAL SELF

Trading In the IDEAL SELF for the REAL SELF

    Socialization can be very painful for a lot of people. Having to fit into a box, a measure, a certain way of doing things that we learn is RIGHT or WRONG can do a number on our INNER CHILD. We ultimately start to abandon the authentic parts of ourselves...
3 Ways the Narcissist Will Manipulate You

3 Ways the Narcissist Will Manipulate You

    As highly sensitive people or Empaths, we want to fix, heal and feel into other people. Without strong inner and outer emotional boundaries, we can fall prey to emotional manipulators and lose ourselves in the process. This can be a partner, parent,...